26 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:33 AM Sunday 24th November
Barbara Bateson (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Kathy Bateson (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Irene E. Bowker (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Marian Eastwood (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Susan Feather (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Pat Forrest (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Gill Gardner (15.5) |
Jackie Gow (18.9) |
Irene Hall (42.2) |
Ellie (Eloise) Halsall (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Beth Hartley (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Jacky C Hogburn (23.7) |
Ann Hough (24.6) |
Lisa E John (19.3) |
Susan E Jones (18.5) |
Liz Keary (25.8) |
Gillian Leamon (35.2) |
Maura Magee (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Chris MCGRATH (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Jane McMunn (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Corrie Needham (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Anthea Oglethorpe (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Andrea Peacock (9.1) |
Claudine Peel (Lancaster Golf Club) |
Vanessa Skelcher (Morecambe Golf Club) |
Margaret Wood (43.0) |