<p>1.General. (a) The Rules of Golf effective January 2023 apply. These Terms of Competition apply to the running of all Club competitions. (b) All members please note that these updated Terms of Competition come into effect on 1st January 2023. The Competition Committee is responsible for their application. (c) Only members who have paid, or are paying by instalments, his/her subscription for the current year can compete. 2. Competitions. These Terms apply generally to all club competitions. The structure of individual club competitions is set out in supplementary Terms of Competitions dealing with eligibility, entry requirements, dates and format including handicap allowance. Tie Resolution – Unless specified in the rules of the individual competition ties will be decided by countback using in a 36-hole competition a back 18, 9-, 6-, 3- and 1-hole calculation. In an 18-hole competition a back 9-, 6-, 3- and 1-hole calculation. 3. Local Rules. Local Rules for the course can be found on the scorecard or posted on the notice boards in the locker rooms. They must be complied with. Additional local rules may be posted by the Committee at any time, and it is the player’s responsibility to be aware of them. 4. Start Sheets. The starting sheet for Competitions becomes available in the Clubhouse draw on Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. and online at 11.30 p.m. for the following week. Members at the draw or in the clubhouse after the draw on Wednesday are only permitted to book one tee time. Members may only add, remove, or change the name of another member on the starting sheet with the express permission of that member. Each competitor must see his/her name is entered on the Competition Entry Sheets and Entrance Fees paid before taking out a Card. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. A competitor cannot change his/her starting time in a competition after 11.00 p.m. on the evening preceding the competition. Cancellation of a booking should take place before 7.00 pm on the day before the competition concerned. Late cancellation is unfair to others who wish to make a late booking and to his/her playing partners. Any competitor who fails to turn up on the day of competition without contacting his/her playing partners may, at the discretion of the Committee, face suspension from one or more future club competitions. 5. Competition Scorecards. (a) Scorecards: All scorecards should be fully completed including the competition name, player’s name, course handicap, playing handicap, course being played and date. All cards must be marked by a full or five-day member of the Club with an official handicap. In the case of a junior marker, he/she must be eligible to compete in the competition for which the card is being marked. In a team event of 3 or 4 players the scorecard must be marked by one of the players and countersigned by another member of the team. (b) Marker’s responsibility: After each hole the marker should • Check the gross score with the player and record it on the scorecard. • On completion of the round, he/she must sign the score card and return it to the player. • If the player had more than one marker each marker must certify the scores for the holes he/she marked. (c) Player’s responsibility: On completion of the round the player should • Check his/her score for each hole and raise any issues that he/she cannot resolve with the marker, with the Committee. • Ensure that the marker has signed the score card, • Must not change a hole score entered by a marker except with the marker’s agreement or the Committee’s approval, • Sign the score card and, promptly enter the same into the Score Entry Terminal and return it to the Competition Committee in the designated holding box immediately on completion of the round. Where permitted, a photo upload by IG is equivalent to returning the scorecard in the designated holding box. Failure to do so may result in suspension of playing handicap or a ban from one or more club competitions. 6. Knock out Competitions. All ties must be decided by the date shown on the draw sheet. A tie is not considered decided until the result is entered via Score Entry either on the Terminal in the Spike Bar or any of the other Methods available. It is the responsibility of the winning player/pair to confirm this is done. If a tie is not decided by the deadline both players/pairs will be disqualified. If for good reason a player/pair cannot play by the deadline, please get in touch with the Competition Committee before the deadline (Note this does not guarantee extension, but it will be carefully considered). Anyone getting in touch after the deadline has passed will be disqualified. The easiest way is to email secretary@heyshamgolfclub.co.uk which will be forwarded to the committee. It is the responsibility of both players/pairs to contact each other. Do not wait for your opponent to contact you. If you are on holiday at the end of the deadline organise your match early! All finals must be played on Finals Day unless there is a valid reason and permission has been obtained from the Competition Committee. Note: Being on holiday is not a valid reason. 7. Junior Members and 5 Day Members. Junior members under the age of 18 with a Handicap Index of less than 5.1 can play in all Club competitions except Opens. Junior members under the age of 18 with a Handicap Index between 5.1 and 18 can play in all Club competitions except Opens, President’s Prize, Captain’s Prize, Ladies President’s Prize and Lady Captain’s Day. Junior members under the age of 18 with a Handicap Index higher than 18 can play in all Club competitions except Opens and Board Competitions. Where a junior member under the age of 18 is playing in a Gents or Ladies competition he/she must play with at least one adult member, except with express permission. 5 Day members can play in all competitions held on Mondays to Fridays other than Board Competitions. Additionally, they can enter non-Board Competitions held on Saturdays and Sundays if they pay a green fee equivalent to the rate of a visitor playing with a member. 8. Pace of Play. (a) A player must play without undue delay and in accordance with the following pace of play guidelines. Slow play must be avoided and the guidelines for Ready Golf applied which are on the notice board in the locker rooms. (b) Any group playing in a competition that falls more than two holes behind the group in front and is holding up the group behind is required to call through the match behind - offenders may, at the discretion of the Committee, face suspension from one or more future Club competitions. As a matter of etiquette if a group falls more than a full hole behind then they should in any event consider calling the match behind through. 9. Breaches of Club Conditions: Suspensions. Members who persistently breach the following club rules may, at the discretion of the Committee, be suspended from all Club competitions. • Enter his/her name on time sheet and fail to appear for the competition, • Remove his/her name from timesheet on the day of the Competition without providing an adequate reason and notifying his/her playing partners, • Fail to call through the match behind after falling more than two holes behind the group in front and holding up the group behind, • Add, remove, or change the name of another member on the timesheet without his/her express permission, • Fail to enter his/her score into the computer and return his/her card to the Committee following completion of a round</p>
The contact for this competition is Tony Johnson (07305587609)